Monday, August 2, 2010

Australian Gamblers' Problem With Online Poker

A few months ago, Australia trifled with the thought of prohibiting poker sites, since addiction to this game was already giving rise to social and economic problems. The propaganda was spread by the media which has gone overboard to regard gaming activities to be too addicting. Some months ago the betting sites made public promotions at a cricketing venue and this, basically, instigated censure.

It was felt that the casino game played online had a negative impact on children and even adults were getting carried away with too much gambling. These reactions seemed expected after last year's record of the over-all gambling population at any casino topped to 80%. Most of the public who played poker became addicted to such and similar activities. Gambling and online casinos have been mistakenly regarded by the media, says James Packer, who happens to be the son of the late media mogul named Kerry Packer.

The fact that casino game draws much revenue has made it difficult for the Australian government to do away with poker sites. The gaming sites are not only having a ball in the land down under but also drawing in much revenue that could top that of other industry.

Due to the application of the advanced gaming technology and software in casinos, more players are now on board, and this increased their taxes by multiple times.

Play safe and sound

There is a growing concern in Australia that is due to the increasing number of troublesome gamblers quite recently. Out of the total number of gamblers, approximately 15% are said to be problematic, says the productivity commission. A further 15% are known to be high risk and every year $12 billion is lost in the game of poker played mostly online. This number of players is enough to cause concern among general players.

Poker is addictive only if you let it control you and your life. Usually players gamble as if there is no tomorrow. Many become overzealous that they fail to realize they are actually losing more than winning. The best way to play poker is to play with no devilish impulsions.